Real estate companies to light it up blue for autism
Landlords, advisors and property managers support the “Na niebiesko dla autyzmu” (Light It Up Blue) initiative organized by SYNAPSIS Foundation.
The Na niebiesko dla autyzmu (Light It Up Blue) event will be held between 1st and 2nd April 2016 thanks to a joint initiative from nine international real estate companies. Eurobuild CEE will oversee media patronage for the event.
Na niebiesko dla autyzmu (Light It Up Blue) is a global event which was first organized in 2011 by the Autism Speaks organization from the United States. In Poland, it is conducted by SYNAPSIS Foundation under the name “Na niebiesko dla autyzmu”. The initiative is based on underlining solidarity with the individuals and families affected by autism through illuminating commercial and public buildings in blue. There will be more than 85 buildings illuminated all over Poland, including Green Wings, Senator, Trinity Park III, Plac Zamkowy, Ethos, Złote Tarasy, Warsaw Trade Tower or Marynarska Business Park.
Between 1st and 2ndApril, by lighting buildings managed by us in blue or by individuals wearing blue items of clothing, we express our solidarity and support with those people and their families who live with autism – says Anna Podgórska, PR and Marketing Director at Knight Frank in Poland, on behalf of all participants.
During the “Autism Awareness Month” (Pol. “Miesiąc wiedzy na temat autyzmu”), real estate companies will support SYNAPSIS Foundation in three ways:
WE WILL SHINE – a blue illumination will be launched in over 85 office, warehouse and retail buildings in Poland on 1st and 2nd April between 6.00 pm and midnight.
WE WILL EDUCATE – employees of companies participating in the event will distribute materials concerning autism prepared by SYNAPSIS Foundation.
WE WILL SUPPORT – partners of the event will encourage people to make a 1% tax transfer or make a donation towards the diagnosis and therapy of pupils of SYNAPSIS Foundation (“Buy an hour of therapy” event).